[日本迷必學]Jalan訂和服體驗, 準備去賞櫻吧!

jalan2017年travelholic打算去日本賞櫻, 當中一個好興奮的活動就是和服體驗, 雖然已經穿過很多次和服了, 但是還是想在漫天櫻花下再穿一次呢! 以往訂和服我都是直接在官網訂的, 但最近朋友介紹了Jalan給我, 更是超值呢, 好東西不自私, 當然要和大家分享!!!

這一次為大家帶來的是book和服體驗, 利用coupon的方式, 真的好簡單 ((非常感謝朋友告訴我這個好方法呢, 是超值的價格呀!!!)) 不瞞大家, 我只是第一次用Jalan, 但一試便上手了!!

***摘士多啤梨也有超多折扣, 好吸引的說!!!***

<<和服體驗Kimono Trial>>

1. 首先要成為會員, 輸入email, 然後在email點link回到網站, 之後填好資料, 可以看一下這個blog
First of all, you need to register as a member. Enter your email address. Then enter Jalan website again through the link in your email. Then enter your information. You can refer to " 如何註冊&訂房" for how to register.

2. 之後就是最重要的一個步驟!!! Coupon Get!!! Jalan***大特價***, 所有"遊玩項目"都可以使用coupon, 先是點進去, 再選你合用的coupon, ((其實可以全部都點, 但要注意使用期限)), 然後coupon就會在你的戶口囉, 等一下付款的時候就可以用了
Then you may get special offer coupons by clicking the link. You may use the coupons for different activities. You can use the coupons later (of course before expiry) as it is already saved in your account.%e6%8a%95%e5%bd%b1%e7%89%871

3. 然後就是選好你的"遊玩項目"了, 今次就是"和服"
Jalan的介面是用地區來搜尋的, 選了京都後會有"熱門項目", “著物"就是和服嚕, 然後就可以選你喜歡的店
Then you can select your activities accordingly. You can search by district and find all popular activities such as kimono rental. Kyoto was selected for demonstration.


4. 選好了就進入下訂的畫面, 要再填一些資料, 比如是當日的聯絡電話, 來店的時間, 然後按"下一步"
After you select the shop you like, you can choose the plan you like. Some details such as your emergency contact number and arrival time may be required. After filling in accordingly, click “next step".


5. 下一步就是核對資料, 記得記得要使用之前存好的coupon呀!!! 按下確認就OK了, 會有email confirm你的預訂
The final step is to verify all your booking details. On the page for payment, remember to use those coupons saved previously. After you click “confirm", a confirmation email will be sent to you.


其實網上已經有很多blogger介紹過Jalan的使用方法了, 大家可以看下面的地址



Facebook: Be a Travelholic    Instagram: @travelholicjessica


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